Where to Find Long Term Care in Boca Raton

Are you looking for long term care in Boca Raton? If so, you’re in the right place. At AstraCare, we’ve been helping family members find affordable, trustworthy care options for their aging loved ones. While there are plenty of pathways out there, it can be challenging to know which to pick. That’s what makes AstraCare such a beneficial addition to your family’s team. Not only are we familiar with elder care, we’re the experts in our field. To learn more about what AstraCare can do for you, keep reading! AstraCare: Long Term Care in Boca Raton What exactly is AstraCare and how can we help? We offer a variety of services, which include in-home health care, quality caregivers, respite care, Alzheimer’s home care, working with insurance claims, offering therapy dogs, and other general services. Within all of these options are the opportunity to choose either long-term or short-term care. There are many reasons why a person would choose short-term in comparison to long-term. When working with AstraCare, you can expect outstanding, 24/7 service, reliable and affordable care, as well as 20 years of experience. Now, when would a person choose short-term care over long-term care? If a family member has recently had an injury, then they will need short-term care. Injuries usually include dangerous falls, or bone breaks. This can make every day mobility challenging for elders. Other times a person may need short-term care is if their primary caregiver needs to go on vacation or they have other responsibilities. This happens often with family members who work during the day or at night and need temporary support for their loved ones. Whether it’s a few hours, a week, or a month, short-term care is the answer. If a person needs long-term care, that means that the situation is a bit different. Often, long-term care means that a family-member has a lingering condition that can make living alone a challenge. Long-term care specialists are there around the clock for your loved one, ensuring that they have their foods, medications, mail, and more. Alzheimer’s is a disease that requires a person to have long-term care, which may be your elder’s situation. At AstraCare, you can count on our team to bring you and your family the care and support they need. Aging isn’t easy, and it certainly isn’t easy to be the child of an aging parent. We strive to offer the best care, with personalization. Contact our compassionate staff today at 844-811-4401 and see how we can help make this process easier.
Therapy Dogs & Seniors

When you are in a long-term care or an assisted living facility, life can get lonely. You have had a major change to your life and routine and are not able to do the things that your once took for granted.
Take a break: the importance of respite care to caregivers

Caregivers are the personification of love. Pure and simple. They voluntarily make sacrifices of their time, their energy and their finances to care for loved ones when they need it the most.
Keeping Mom Home: 5 Things to Look for in a Home Health Care Aid

No one wants to face the realities of our parents getting older. It’s hard to watch as basic tasks around the home become more difficult for them to manage on their own, or as their health begins to deteriorate. Aging is a natural part of life we are lucky to get a chance to experience; it can also add stress and strain on the people we love. Facing the realities of caring for an older parent can be confusing and comes with difficult decisions: Do you keep mom at home, or move her in with a family member? What about an assisted living facility or retirement home? How do you know who to trust with the care of your loved one? For most older Americans, staying at home and maintaining independence for as long as possible is ideal. Being home provides a sense of comfort and autonomy that makes the transition into later life stages easier to cope with. Give mom the freedom she deserves in her twilight years—here’s five things to look for when hiring in home health caregivers in Boca Raton. Licenses and Certifications Not everyone has the knowledge and experience necessary to provide the level of care your aging parent requires for a long and healthy life. Adult home care isn’t a babysitting job, it requires one to understand how aging affects the mind and body and how best to assist with new limitations. Licensed and accredited home caregivers in Boca Raton can assist with medication management, safety, and basic day to day tasks like grooming, cooking, and transportation. Beyond these tasks, home healthcare providers can provide medical support including monitoring nutrition, blood pressure and heart rate, and overall wellness so you can rest assured that your loved one is well cared for. The home caregivers at Astra Care are licensed and accredited to provide the services you and your family need. Medical and Non-Medical Services What does your parent need help with most? If mom is struggling with household chores or staying on top of appointments, a caregiver focused on providing in-home assistance is perfect for allowing her to stay independent and comfortable at home. If she has a chronic health condition that is affecting her ability to safely reside on her own, a home health care provider with medical experience and certifications is the ideal solution. Knowing exactly what your parent needs can help guide you in choosing senior home care in Boca Raton. Learn more about Astra Care’s services here. Time Commitment How much care does your parent need on a day to day basis? Do they need someone to stop by a few days a week to check in and help with menial tasks, or round the clock care? Determining this first will help you narrow your options. From services that only provide care during your work hours to a live-in aide, Astra Care has someone to fit your needs. We can grow and adjust with you to ensure your changing needs are also met. Whether you need a single caregiver or a rotating team, we’re here to help! Specialization As your parents age, their care needs may change. Chronic health conditions like Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia require specialized care. Be sure your chosen provider of Alzheimer’s home care in Boca Raton is capable of meeting these specific needs. From maintaining safety in and out of the home to providing medical support, you should be able to trust them to keep your parent’s needs as top priority. Check out Astra Care’s Alzheimer’s home care services now. Reviews While researching home health caregivers in Boca Raton, be sure to read reviews from current and previous clients. These will help you understand what you can expect so far as quality of care, professionalism, and overall satisfaction. You may also consider asking for recommendations from other family members or friends who can help you find someone to fit your specific needs perfectly. At Astra Care, we let our clients speak for us! Read the testimonials of our beloved clients, then contact us today to discuss how we can help you!
Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease Home Health Needs

Alzheimer’s Disease: just the name alone inspires dread and anxiety. Receiving a diagnosis feels like the beginning of the end, painting a terrifying and uncertain future. It doesn’t have to be this way. Understanding what Alzheimer’s actually is, what you can expect, and what services are available to help you or your loved ones can help you feel in control. Alzheimer’s home healthcare in Boca Raton can help ensure the safety and continued quality of life for all those impacted by this life changing diagnosis. Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia characterized by deterioration of one’s memory, cognition, and other mental facilities. Caused by degradation of the brain, symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease are typically associated with advanced age but may begin before the age of 65. This includes: Trouble developing and following plans Issues with time such as forgetting dates or what day of the week it is Problem solving or cognitive issues related to numbers Forgetting names, appointments, and other memory issues that interfere with daily life Difficulty concentrating or following through with a familiar task Sudden conversational issues, like losing track of a conversation or repeating one’s self Difficulty retracing steps Don’t harbor guilt if you miss the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease—they can easily be mistaken for average forgetfulness. If it is detected early enough, the symptoms may be managed with medication. Following an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, the primary objective is to keep you or your loved one safe, comfortable, and to encourage retention of cognitive processes as long as possible. For patients in later stages of advancement, in home health care in Boca Raton could be the best option for you and your family. Alzheimer’s Home Healthcare in Boca Raton with Astra Care At Astra Care, we understand the anxiety and fear that comes with an Alzheimer’s diagnosis. We help to assuage your worries by providing the highest quality, client-centered care in South Florida. Our home health caregivers in Boca Raton is compassionate and attentive, keeping you or your loved one as our number one priority. We go beyond just providing home support for clients with Alzheimer’s disease; we treat you and your family like our own! Astra Care Alzheimer’s home healthcare in Boca Raton offers both medical and non-medical home care services to meet any and all needs. Medical Home Health Services: Because it affects one’s cognition and memory, Alzheimer’s disease affects one’s ability to properly care for themselves, including management of other chronic conditions like diabetes or Crohn’s disease. Missing medication or doctor’s appointments can have a negative impact on one’s overall health, so having someone who is able to monitor one’s health and provide support for maintenance as needed is vital to sustaining quality of life. With Astra Care, our home health caregivers in Boca Raton are knowledgeable and experienced in providing total wellness care. We assist with monitoring and managing total health, including: Medication management and administration Wellness monitoring: blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, etc. Daily nutritional monitoring and needs Pain management Intravenous care needs In-home safety auditing Non-Medical Home Health Services: Beyond meeting you and your loved ones’ medical need, Astra Care is dedicated to maintaining and encouraging cognitive health to help delay the advancement of Alzheimer’s disease. Socialization and engagement have been shown to help patients with all forms of dementia. Because we understand this, our caregivers focus on treating our clients as more than just a series of tasks to get through the day. We help your loved one to communicate and continue being involved in the lives of family and friends. Other services include: Assistance with hygiene and personal grooming Healthy meal planning and preparation Wandering prevention and transportation assistance Resources for Alzheimer’s support groups and information Our Astra Care team treats all clients with the dignity and respect they deserve. We want you to feel comfortable leaving your loved one in our care so you can attend to other responsibilities or take a much-needed break. Contact us today for more information about how we can help you and your family. Facebook Youtube Instagram Linkedin
Is it time to provide In-home health care for my elderly loved one in Boca Raton?

It’s inevitable, time marches on and we can’t stop the aging process. But we can get by with a little help from a trusted friend. So, as your parents or loved one age, it’s only natural that they may need additional help from time to time. You shouldn’t feel guilty about not being able to care for your loved one full-time or give them the attention that they might now require. After all, you may have a family of your own to care for and work obligations. If you’re unable to provide the help and care your elderly loved one needs on a daily basis, finding the right in-home health care service doesn’t have to be an arduous process. Not surprisingly, with the large number of seniors living in Boca Raton, there are so many in-home health care choices. So how do you select the right one and how do you know who can you trust? If you want a professional, reliable service that has compassionate experienced caregivers– you should turn to AstraCare. What services can I expect from Astra Care? Astra Care is an in-house health care service that empowers seniors to stay safely in their own homes whenever possible. We believe that freedom is an essential part of life and when taken away, your loved one will inevitably feel depressed and unhappy. Staying in his or her home for as long as possible is our goal for your loved one at AstraCare. With our compassionate nursing team by your loved one’s side, you can be assured that he or she will get the help they need with everyday situations such as: administering daily medication hygiene needs—helping with showering or toileting Providing communication and social interaction Making sure they are eating properly Transportation to doctors and dentist appointments Help with gardening and hobbies Helping to get to and from social events Elder Care to Meet Every Situation and beyond Our experienced caregivers are compassionate trusted professionals who provide round the clock supervision for your loved one who may be struggling with everything from their daily routine to loneliness, stroke or Alzheimer’s. We can help! Perhaps you or your loved one needs assistance with grocery shopping, meal preparation, light housekeeping, transport to doctor’s visits or to act as an escort to family events, we do it all. You can rest assured that AstraCare’s skilled team has the right caregiver for every situation and at any time of day. We are here to care for your loved and be his or her helping hand if you live abroad or are out of town frequently. Call today to find out more about our elder care services and how we can help you and your loved one live out their twilight years with dignity, enjoying everything life has to offer once again with loving companionship from our in-home health care service in Boca Raton. Call us today at (844) 811-4401 to see how we can make an immediate difference in helping to improve your loved one’s life.
How to Help our aging loved ones Live their best lives in Boca Raton

Lately, when you visit your elderly loved one, he or she seems depressed and not as carefree as they used to be. Your visits seem to help somewhat, but when you leave, you’re uncertain if they are able to enjoy life as they once did. What can you do to help improve their lives on a day-to-day basis? Even though we are living longer today and people seem to be taking better care of themselves, it is inevitable that we will start to lose quality of life when we age. Sometimes, our physical selves might suffer—we are not as strong as once were and arthritis has set in. Also, there is mental and emotional health to think of. So, what are some of the things you can do to help keep our loved ones active and engaged in life before a call to a senior home care service in Boca Raton is necessary? Be on the lookout for signs of depression–speak with a doctor to see if your loved one should seek treatment. If your loved one is suddenly living alone due to the loss of his or her spouse, that can be a telltale trigger. Get your loved one involved in a widow’s group. Sharing stories with those that know your pain can be healing and comforting. Keep your loved one busy and feeling useful. Engage them in conversation when you visit. Get them involved in a book club or ask them to research something for you on the Internet (if they can). When seniors begin to feel like a burden, they get depressed and may want to check out. Look for constructive ways to engage your elder. Encourage them to do crossword puzzles or word games to keep their mind active. Or, ask them to regale you with an interesting current event they read about or just saw on the news. Encourage family activities where your elder is included. Let them bond with grandkids and younger ones more often. Babies are the best medicine. Get them a pet to love—doesn’t have to be a dog or cat. Even caring for a few goldfish or small bird can make a senior feel wanted and needed. Studies have shown that pets have the power to heal and make a senior feel useful and needed. When should I call a senior home care service in Boca Raton? If you are feeling like you’ve tried it all and your loved one needs more help than you can give, do not feel like you’ve failed. There is help for you in a trusted senior home care center. AstraCare provides quality compassionate senior home care and employs skilled nurses and medical professionals who will come to your home and help with your everyday routine. Whether it be administering medication, hygiene needs, food preparation, doctor visit transport or just physical company, AstraCare is there to help your loved one get back some enjoyment out of life in his or her golden years. The need for one-on-one interaction is always important and even more so as we age because feelings of loneliness can creep in. Everyone seems to be going about their busy lives and your loved one can no longer keep up. Our AstraCare team possesses the years of experience to help with all of your loved one’s physical and emotional needs on a part-time, full-time or live-in basis. What’s more, our rates are affordable and usually covered by insurance. We can help with that too. Call our trusted senior home care service in Boca Raton today to discuss your loved ones needs. Call AstraCare at (844) 811-4401 and see your loved one’s health and overall quality of life improve for the better today!
Senior Home Care in Boca Raton

As our parents get older, it can be difficult to see them struggling to do things on their own. If you have loved ones who are getting older and need more help to do daily activities, it might be time to look into senior home care in Boca Raton. At Astra Care we provide those in need with the short term, long term, or home care they truly need. Whether your parent needs help getting groceries or needs more care with everyday things, we’re here to help. Our professionals will provide your elderly loved one with the proper care they need to continue living a high quality of life. Astra Care provides many services to help the elderly and those who need a little extra help throughout the day. While we know it can be difficult to tell your loved one you think they need more help, it’s a conversion that is worth having. Our professionals at Astra Care want to help make your loved one’s life easier, not to complicate it. We provide many services to help those in need including: Chores and Errands Social Events Visiting Friends and Family Members Medication Reminding Medication Scheduling Hobbies and Activities Home Gardening Home Improvement Supervision Personal Safety Needs Companion care and in home health care can provide your loved one with the help and support they need on a daily basis. If you’re ready to have the talk with your loved one about getting additional help, our team at Astra Care is here to be by your side. We understand that many elderly people are at first unwilling to think about or accept help, but in the long run they see how it’s beneficial to them. Our team of professionals will work to make your life and your loved one’s life easier. If you have a loved one that you’re taking care of it might become too much for you to handle. With other responsibilities it can be difficult to be there as often as your loved one needs. That’s where our team at Astra Care can help. Don’t wait any longer if you’re looking for in home help for your loved one. Call our team today and learn how our professionals can help you and your loved one.
Tips for having “the talk” with aging parents about in home healthcare

Many of us grow up viewing our parents as heroes. They take care of our every need, they support our hopes and dreams, they teach, they love, they guide.
AstraCare: Special People Deserve Special Care

At AstraCare in Boca Raton Florida we know how important it is to find the best caregiver for that special someone in your family! Our AstraCare caregivers are special people who really find joy in making a difference in the lives of their clients. At AstraCare we are proud to maintain a distinguished reputation for such high-caliber caregivers. We stand by our mission, which has been very clear since the day we began providing quality caregivers to local residents and that is: hire the best, expect the best, and expertly match them with the best clients in South Florida. Finding a professional and reliable home health care service with trained, licensed and certified caregivers doesn’t have to be an intimidating process. When you are looking for care providers for yourself or a special loved one, you may not know whom you can turn to for all of your needs and for your unique situation. Even though there are hundreds of choices online for in-home healthcare in South Florida, there is only one company that you should trust, and that’s AstraCare. AstraCare strives to offer the best in personalized home care services, providing the special people in our lives with the highest level of well-being and comfort. Whatever your exact needs are, our caring and compassionate caregivers are here for you. AstraCare: Our Caregivers Are Special People AstraCare has become a leader in the home health care industry by consistently providing the highest level of competent, dependable and honest caregivers, who really are special people. It is not every day that you find such dedicated in home care professionals to provide both round-the-clock and hourly supervision for those seniors and clients struggling with things like frailty, loneliness, stroke and advanced dementia or Alzheimer’s. Our special caregivers undergo an extensive screening and training process, verifying all licenses and certifications as well as detailed background checks, employment verification and reference checks. You can rest assured that every AstraCare caregiver has a long, reputable history of professionalism and expertise. At AstraCare we understand that each person is different and special, and each circumstance is unique. This is why we ensure caregiver compatibility with assignments and maintain an intimate and personal rapport with each of our clients. Our AstraCare team of special caregivers includes skilled and certified Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN’s), Registered Nurses (RN’s), Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA’s) and Home Health Aides who can provide: Medical or Non-Medical Home Care Wound Care/Intravenous Care Daily nutritional monitoring Illness/Health Monitoring Pain, Medication & Injection Management Breathing, Blood Pressure, and Heart Rate Monitoring Develop and maintain a comprehensive plan for in home safety & care Coordinate and accompany doctor visits Encourage and create social activities Maintain communication with family members, local or out-of-town, to ensure peace of mind. Even though doctors and the health care industry are quick to suggest hospital stays, nursing homes, or other facility-based approaches to senior care, more and more research is showing far more beneficial results by sending patients back home instead. At AstraCare we focus on keeping our in home care patients engaged, comfortable, and independent as much as possible, paying careful attention to our patient’s mental as well as physical needs. When you decide to have in home senior health care to assist your special loved ones ability to continue living life, as close to what is familiar, you will need the expertise and experience of AstraCare. At AstraCare we recognize the need for caring and compassionate staff that are trained, licensed and available for a variety of in home care services whether a person needs 1 hour of service, or around-the-clock twenty-four hour care. At AstraCare of Boca Raton Florida we help our community members by offering a number of in home senior care options: Live-In: 24 hour shifts with a caregiver living in home Overnight: 8 or 12-hour shifts of evening in-home care Hourly: Minimum of 3 to 4 hour shifts for in home or out-of home needs 24 Hour: 2 or more caregivers provide round the clock care AstraCare: The Best In Home Senior Health Care Services Boca Raton No matter what kind of in home senior health care services you are looking for, AstraCare is here to help. We provide long term, or short-term senior home care, respite care and Alzheimer’s home care to special residents in Boca Raton and the surrounding South Florida area. AstraCare business owner Tanija founded AstraCare in Boca Raton in 2008 to provide unparalleled home healthcare with a goal of providing the best in personalized care services. When you need in home health care for a special loved one your main concern is that they are being well taken care of by a specialist who knows what they are doing. AstraCare has built a reputation of being trusted and reliable, providing peace of mind and a better quality of life for you and your loved ones. AstraCare strives to make sure that any and all of your loved ones needs are being met, and you can always rely on us.